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A new path on the Journey starts

Writer: Andrew JonesAndrew Jones

An old Chinese proverb says...The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

Well, I took that step a few weeks ago. I packed up my things and embarked on a short adventure. In fact I took several steps to explore some new opportunities that I felt may provide a new path for me to follow in the coming months and years. I ventured to North America, Canada to be exact to meet with a Chief of a First Nations Tribe in Manitoba. I also met up with some old colleagues from my days with Westin Hotels and Resorts, and finally I came back to England to spend time with my parents and family, and re-connect with some friends in this country too.

I now feel that it is time for me to write more and share these journeys with my friends and interested readers. When I started this blog some years ago, I thought it may be a challenge, but I obviously didn't realise the time it would take, or have the discipline to do so, or perhaps it wasn't meant to be then, and it lapsed. However, as I am now intending to write a book as well, I believe part of fulfilling this endeavour includes updating and more regularly writing updates on this blog.

I hope anyone taking the time to review these pages will find the information shared of interest.


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